Saturday, August 16, 2014

Host a Younique PARTY today

"Host" a Younique Party and you can earn FREE 3D Fiber Lashes, or any Younique Product.
Hosting is EASY...there is no cleaning beforehand, no cooking, no leftovers nor cleaning up afterwards! 
Hosting a Younique Party in your JAMMIES, from the comfort of your own couch, bed, or by the pool is an excellent way to earn FREE Younique products.
Host a Qualifying Party (2000 points) and start earning 10% of the Party sales AND a 1/2 priced item.
Hosting a Younique Party is simply sharing your very own personal Younique link to our corporate site where your friends can browse, and purchase Younique Products featuring our star-- 3D Fiber Lashes.

Let's set you up your very own personal Younique Party link today! 
10 points for each $1 USD
This chart explains Party Points and Hostess rewards
Visit and LIKE my Facebook Biz Page NYLASHLADY

Sunday, August 3, 2014